When we are talking about nude dares it is normal that there are many kinds of them. Some are easier and some are harder to do. This is why we introduce the Daremeter - the tool to measure the level of dare's difficulty. Below You can find some clues how to choose what is the level of a particular dare:

  Easy dares - very soft things that can be done at home alone without any chances to be seen (e.g. flashing tits or other parts of body, getting fully naked, etc.)
  Medium dares - a little more difficult things that can be done at home, but with some chances that somebody will see You (e.g. getting fully naked outside Your room, doing something with Your body, etc.)
  Hard dares - difficult things that can be done outside Your home that involve people You know (e.g. flashing at public places, flashing neighbour or Your friends at a party, etc.)
  Extreeme dares - very difficult things that can be done inside or outside Your home that involve strangers that WILL see You (e.g. getting fully naked or having sex or masturbating at public places, etc.)
  Impossible dares - there are no restrictions in this category, You can free Your mind to the maximum